To help freshmen to better settle in the NUS Bizad community, our academic committee has prepared “the Freshie Life Guide” on essential information from orientations, getting around campus, educational information, best food places, and more. For other academic-related matters, freshmen are recommended to check out Bizipedia on our website.
For Freshmen Orientation Programmes (FOPs) sign-up, please check on our FOP Instagram account, @bizadfop, for more regular updates. For other enquiries, please contact our Vice-President (Student Life), Charlotte Lim, at and CC our Club’s email,
Bizad Club’s very own Bizconnect and Bizcare take frontal roles in organizing events and securing resources regarding professional development. In addition, there are also the Business Accountancy Network (BAN) and Business Real Estate Network (BREN) to respectively cater to our Accountancy and Real Estate students’ needs and queries. For further information, you can visit BizCare’s website here.
Bizad Charity Run (BCR) is an annual flagship event that aims to promote the spirit of giving by empowering students, alumni, and the public to contribute to the noble causes of our partners and beneficiaries. You can check out more information and sign up for BCR 2024 here.
For further enquiries, please reach out to the Project Director, Quek Xuan Ying, at
Reservation of venues will only be available for Bizad Club members. You may access our calendar here with the available slots for booking. If you need any help with this method, you may directly contact the Resources Committee via Telegram, @BizadResources.
For publications and publicity related to NUS Business School, please contact our Communications Secretary, Shannon He,
Please contact our Director of Corporate Partnerships, Roghan Bharathkumar,, for further details regarding our collaborations, partnerships, and sponsorship matters.
Merchandise sales will take place at least once every semester, so students who missed a sale are advised to keep a lookout for upcoming sales on our social media platforms. Additionally, exchange students looking to purchase NUS Business merchandise after the sales period has ended may directly contact the Business Development Committee via Telegram, @BizadBizdev, for any available stock left for sale.
For enquiries from partner schools regarding international collaboration, please contact our Director of International Relations, Vayers Lim,
For enquiries regarding Bizad Abroad, please contact our Director of Academia, Javin Chong,
You can subscribe to our Telegram channel, @TheBizadBulletin, and our Instagram Page, @nusbizadclub, for our events. For our Freshman Orientation Projects, you can subscribe to the FOP Instagram page, @bizad.fop, for updates.
For our Management Committee positions, applicants can sign up for the annual Bizad Camp Calibre, where they will learn more about the roles and responsibilities of these positions. For the main and sub-committee positions, recruitment will start after the Management Committee is formed. Potential applicants can keep an eye out for more information on our social media channels, such as @nusbizadclub, on Instagram at the start of Semester 1 each year.
NUS Business School,
15 Kent Ridge Drive Singapore,
Singapore Singapore 119245
© 2025 NUS Bizad Club