Posts by NUS Bizad Club

Exam Welfare Pack Giveaway Photos

The Exam Welfare Packs (EWPs) for AY 2015/2016 Semster 1 were given out on Thursday and Friday. Much effort from...

Buddy Recruitment for Exchange Students

Hey Bizaders! Ever wanted to make new friends from all over the world? Now here’s your chance! You can sign...

Yes We Care Survey 2015 Results

We asked, you answered, and we have listened to your valuable feedback on our Bizad initiatives! We would like to...

Bizad Leaders’ Night 2015

This year, Bizad Leader’s Night was held at the Fish & Co Glasshouse. Together with 79 Bizad leaders from the...

Bizad Charity Run 2016 Campus Roadshow

Hello Bizaders, the annual Bizad Charity Run Campus Roadshow is now back! It is happening on the 5th & 6th of November....

Exam Welfare Pack Giveaway 2015

Hello Bizaders! The long awaited Exam Welfare Pack is finally here! Brought to you by the 29th Welfare Committee, this...

Bizad to the Movies 2015 Photos

Bizad to the Movies was organised on Friday by the Welfare Committee of Bizad Club and it was a huge...

Yes We Care Bazaar 2015 Photos

This year, we received an overwhelming response for our Yes We Care (YWC) Survey and Bazaar, and we would like...

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NUS Business Rag Performance 2015 Video

The video for this year’s Business Rag performance has been uploaded on YouTube! Watch the video on our YouTube page now!

Bizad to the Movies

Hi NUS Business students! The 29th Welfare Committee is bringing to you Bizad to the Movies! The winners you chose for...

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